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All we have is a gift from God. He blesses us each day with an abundance of gifts. In our giving, we are simply extending to others some of that with which He first blessed us.
GSLC offers a base from which we gather, worship, and launch ministries to God’s people everywhere. Your gifts provide the building, our pastor and staff, and the necessary services and materials to spread God’s endless love.
Tithely link coming soon.
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
15695 Blackburn Road
Woodbridge, VA 22191
Introducing Breeze
Set up automatic giving with our Financial Secretary by contacting him here.
The Congregation Council consists of the pastor, the officers of the congregation, and up to 10 members of the congregation. The officers and council members are elected by the congregation. Each term consists of 3 years and begins in January. Officers and members may serve up to 2 terms for a total of 6 consecutive years. Elections are held in December annually. The Congregation Council has general oversight of the life and activities of this congregation, and in particular its worship life. The council’s goal is to make sure that everything is done in accordance with the Word of God and the faith and practice of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
The duties of the Council are as follows:
1. Exemplify the life of a baptized servant of God
2. Promote peace, goodwill, and understanding within the church
3. Identify the mission & goals, and then conduct long-term & short-term planning to achieve the mission & goals
4. Seek involvement of the congregation in worship, learning, witness, service & support
5. Oversee the administration of the congregation & maintain relationships with the staff to fulfill their duties
6. Seek out qualified persons to prepare ministry of the Gospel
7. Ensure pastoral service for the congregation even in times of sickness or absence
8. Partner with the ELCA and synod, leverage their programs and resources, and comply with their policies
The Council meets monthly to fulfill the following responsibilities:
1. Serve as the board for the congregation to protect the property and management of the church business
2. Represent the congregation in fiscal matters up to $7,500 and engage the congregation in fiscal matters exceeding that amount or involving the real property of the church
3. Prepare an annual budget for adoption by the congregation
4. Ensure that financial matters are conducted efficiently
5. Ensure constitutional continuing resolutions are carried out
6. Provide an annual review of the membership
7. Provide a comprehensive report of church activities to the congregation
8. Ensure quorum (simple majority) of membership at each council meeting where business is transacted