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Our God is beautiful, diverse and speaks to many different people in many different ways – thus we give thanks for the variety of churches in the world today. If you are looking for a church, here are a couple of helpful bits of information about how we come to know and love God.
Good Shepherd Lutheran is Helping People Take Part in God’s Abundant Mission of Love in the World.
Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Good Shepherd will inspire people to connect in a life of faith, respond to opportunities to share God’s word and love, and change the world with a Christ-like compassion for all.
Learn of God’s Love, Live in God’s Love, Share God’s Love. Growing in Relationship with God, Abiding in Community, Owning Our Calling.
Our God is beautiful, diverse and speaks to many different people in many different ways – thus we give thanks for the variety of churches in the world today. If you are looking for a church, here are a couple of helpful bits of information about how we come to know and love God.
Many congregations today are “bible-based,” which is all well and good as scripture is a central component for all that we do here at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, but instead of spending time pouring over each individual word of the text we try to understand how God is working in our world by focusing on the life and ministry of Jesus. We come on Sunday morning to be inspired by what Jesus did for us and for all and therefore Christ is the center of our church life. You are encouraged to come and bring your Bible, but we hope you encounter the Good News through all parts of our Worship.
Many congregations today start worship with a praise band, have a couple prayers and announcements, move to some scripture and then the pastor speaks for the rest of the time. You will not find that here. We believe that in the different hymns we sing, the ringing of bells by our bell choir, the sharing of a meal/communion, the sharing of peace with one another, praying for the concerns of the people present and for the world, hearing sections of different scripture as well as the pastor’s message (among others) we get to experience the full depth and breadth of God. Worship is not meant to be about instruction for our lives, but to be reminded of what it is like to be in the presence of the Holy. Come with the hope of being in the midst of the sacred.
Many congregations today talk about what God can do for you as a believer. We take a different approach. When we read the stories of Jesus we see a God who goes to the sick, hungry, poor and outcast. We believe our God is most present for us when we are at our lowest, most broken, and most lost times in life, not when we are doing well financial/materially (Jesus gives most of his warnings to the rich/wealthy). We find this to be great news, great comfort, and the drive for us to help those who are in those very situations currently.
We believe it was no mistake that Jesus had a group of disciples instead of speaking to people one on one. Having a group of believers around to know and love helps us grow in faith. The more you get to know Good Shepherd Lutheran, the more you will learn about the fun and different groups and ministries that are alive here. We encourage people to actively engage.
Our church is in the middle of a very transient part of the country; we know that and own that as part of our calling. Many folks have been here for years, and some others will be leaving due to jobs or family. Whatever the case may be, we are not going anywhere and we welcome you to come and engage in what God is doing here at Good Shepherd Lutheran for as long as you can. As we like to say, we are Your Neighborhood Church!
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15695 Blackburn Road
Woodbridge, VA 22191